5 Ways to Prepare Your Space for Spring


Hi, friends. 

Spring. Is. Here! The snow has melted. (Most of it, anyway.) The ground has thawed. Temps are slowly inching upward. But before we throw open the windows and officially declare winter in our rearview mirror, it’s important to do some checks around your space and make sure everything’s in working order so you can enjoy a happy, healthy and hassle-free new season. 

Over the next several weeks, our teams will be busy updating our properties’ landscaping, clearing gutters and downspouts of clumpy debris and checking other tasks off our springtime to-do list. Here are five ways you can prepare your own space for spring. 

Give the walls a wipedown.
In wintertime, a grimy film of dust, fibers and other particles can build up on walls, baseboards, radiators and vents. Wipe those surfaces down with a damp sponge, microfiber cloth or whatever method you prefer. Tip: Don’t forget outlet covers and switch plates. Just be sure to dry them fully before reaffixing them or plugging anything in. 

Replace old filters and clean out vents. 
Clean, properly functioning filters and vents are crucial for comfort, circulation and clean, breathable air. Swap out replaceable filters (think faucets, taps and range hoods), and make sure HVAC, dryer and other vents are free and clear of dust, dirt and debris.   

De-funk faucets, sprayers and shower heads. 
Sinks and showers are among the most-used features in our homes, which makes them susceptible to lots of hard-water stains, soap scum buildup, residue and other kinds of gunk. Giving them a deep clean will ensure they work at full capacity – and look good in the process.  

Wash your windows and sills. 
On a cosmetic level, smeared, smudged windows look unsightly. But window glass, screens, frames and sills are also prone to buildup of allergens like dust, dirt and pollen, which can trigger sneezing, stuffiness, coughing and wheezing. Keep those trouble spots clean and you can breathe easy. (Tip: If you have glass or screened doors or porches, don’t forget to do those too.)

Conduct a battery test. 
Arguably the easiest task on this list is also the most important. Simply put, testing and replacing batteries in your home’s smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors can save lives.

One last tip: Seek out (or mix up your own) natural cleaning products if you’re sensitive or averse to the chemicals commonly used in household sprays, foams, soaks and other solutions. What’s a clean, spring-ready home if you don’t feel up for enjoying it?  

Have questions or need some help? Let us know

Until next time,
The BRIGS team


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