Valued partners.
Every project.
New-Vendor Forms
The starting point of any new process? Paperwork. The following forms must be completed and returned in order for you or your firm to be approved as a vendor and eligible for payment:
W-9 Request for Taxpayer Identification Number (downloadable)
Current Certificate of Liability Insurance (from your insurance agent, with a minimum of $1,000,000 in liability coverage)
Current Workers Compensation Certificate of Insurance (from your insurance company or agency)
We aspire to be paper-free, and we ask that all completed forms be returned by email. If you’re unable to email us your forms, please mail them to our corporate office:
185 Dudley St.
Boston, MA 02119
Billing & Invoicing
Work done and ready to send a bill? Great. Let’s get you paid.
The best and quickest way to get paid is through email! Please send your invoice to brigsinvoices@brigsllc.com.
To ensure prompt payment, please address your invoice as follows:
[ Name of property where service was provided ]
410 University Ave.
DPT# 11024
Westwood, MA 02090-2311
Please note:
The email above is ONLY for invoices, please do NOT send certificates of insurance, W9’s, or other correspondence.
Listing BRIGS, LLC in the “Bill to” field will result in delayed payment. (And no one wants that to happen). Individual properties — not BRIGS — foot the bill for work done on-site.
Please support our efforts to reduce paper use and submit your invoice by email. If you’re unable to use email, please mail your invoice to the address above.