Meet Laura Bastarache: savoring fall, from books to baking pies

Laura Bastarache

Laura Bastarache, a client services representative here at BRIGS, knows fall in New England. A native of Uxbridge, Massachusetts, she grew up in the kind of idyllic setting that people associate with the region: farm land, tractors and crisp Halloweens where heavy jackets and fleece are par for the course.

For our October employee spotlight, Bastarache shared some of her favorite things about the season, what Boston means to her, plus books and inspiration that have fueled her from childhood through to her career.

What was it like growing up in Uxbridge, and what led you to the Boston area?
Laura Bastarache:
Uxbridge is what comes to mind when you think “small-town in New England:” escaped farm animals are a weekly occurrence, and a traffic jam is three cars behind a tractor.

I fell in love with Boston while applying to colleges. I attended Boston University and lived in a brownstone overlooking the Charles River. I love the energy of the city, and Boston’s architecture is fascinating. I even got engaged on Bay State Road. Boston will always be important to me.

When you were growing up, who did you look up to the most, and why?
I’m an only child, and grew up very close to both my parents. I always looked up to them. Even today, I admire my mom’s selflessness and my dad’s steadfast work ethic. 

Who would you say you look up to now – personally or professionally?
On a personal level, I look up to my friends who have dedicated themselves to making a difference in their community, whether it be starting a nonprofit or donating their time. 

On a professional level I look up to Tracey Rhodes, one of our property managers. We’ve worked together since I began working in property management, and I admire her friendly yet professional rapport with her boards and residents. Tracey has given me a ton of helpful pointers through the years and has helped me grow my skill set immensely.

What are your three favorite books of all time? How does each one speak to you?
I’m definitely aging myself here, but Harry Potter influenced my childhood like no other book. If I have to pick one from the series, Prisoner of Azkaban was my favorite–that plot twist! I actually started writing fan-fiction because of the Harry Potter universe (please don’t try to find it!) and my love of writing took off from there. 

Another is Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury. It made me realize how easily public opinion can be swayed, and reminds me to consistently keep an open mind.

Goodnight Moon by Margaret Wise Brown is another. It was the first book I learned how to read by myself, which inspired my love of reading and exploring different worlds through stories and words. I give this book as a gift at every baby shower, and I am so excited to begin reading it to my niece this fall! As an adult, my husband and I have adopted three rabbits, which I suppose I can blame on this book as well (the main character is a bunny).

What’s your favorite way to spend a fall weekend? 
Fall is easily my favorite season. I love a good hayride, especially through an apple orchard. A weekend spent baking apple pies and pumpkin bread is never wasted. 

Where’s the best place in New England for leaf peeping?
My best friend’s backyard is probably my favorite spot, but that’s a classified location, sorry!

What’s the best Halloween costume you’ve ever had?
My mom and I made a witch costume out of polar fleece one year because it was too cold for my original idea, which I think was a mermaid. I wore that costume to shreds because it was wicked comfortable–and kept me warm without the quintessential New England Halloween look of a puffer coat shoved under your costume!

What motivates you each day at work, and at home?
My coworkers keep me sane–our teams chat is always a great time. I love supporting the team and helping all of us succeed together. Working from home, I stay motivated by setting up my desk area like an office and making sure I still take breaks; a walk outside in nature clears my head.

Do you have any go-to quotes, songs or other sources of inspiration when you need it most?
“Even if you are on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.” - I never try to take life too seriously. 

Blasting music is therapeutic, too. 1970s rock and alternative/metal are both on heavy rotation these days. Slipknot and System of a Down got me through a 15-hour road trip last week, and I never really know what’s coming up next in my library–it’s a little adventure every time I turn on my playlist.


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