Meet the Team: Brian Lavery, Property Accountant

What is your role at BRIGS, and what do you do in that role?
As a Property Accountant, I prepare monthly financials for a portfolio of properties.

What’s the most rewarding part of your job?
Solving problems. For most of my properties, the financials are straightforward. When an unusual or unexpected problem comes up, I enjoy the challenge of solving it.

What are you most looking forward to this fall?
October 15 is the home opener for the Bruins, so there’s that! I also love the foliage, cooler weather, and avoiding anything pumpkin spice.

What are some of your favorite places in Boston?
I love what the Seaport has become, it’s a great place to walk around. My favorite place to visit is the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum. My favorite dining experience is Grill 23.

Do you have a book, movie, or TV show you are enjoying at the moment?
I’m currently re-reading the Spenser series of books by Robert Parker. I’m about halfway through and love his work. I also follow NASCAR and look forward to weekend races, either in person or on TV.

Tell us about your ideal weekend plan.
Babysitting! I became a first-time grandfather this month, and an ideal weekend would include spending time with my grandson.

What’s a motto or mantra that you live by?
Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.

Coffee or tea?

Fall hike or fall drive?
Either a short hike or a long drive.

Apple-picking or pumpkin-carving?
Apple picking.

More fun facts: 

  • My Spirit Animal is a sloth!

  • Favorite music is Progressive Rock, especially Yes, Genesis, and Rush.

  • Favorite movie is Miracle.

  • Favorite current athlete is Brad Marchand.

  • Favorite evening plan is family board game night.

  • Favorite restaurant is 7 South in Natick.

  • Favorite vacation destination is Orlando, FL.


I also have a working knowledge of shearing sheep…


How to Have a Seamless Move


Meet the Team: Dana Bartie, Property Manager