Meet the Team: Ivan, Property Accountant
What is your role at BRIGS, and what do you do in that role?
I am a property Accountant. I handle both condo and apartment financials, and I approve and pay invoices for apartments.
What’s the most rewarding part of your job?
Knowing that BRIGS continues to grow and get recognized for its excellence, and that I have a small role in that. Since it’s a smaller company, it’s nice to be familiar with administration. At other companies I’ve worked for, I had no idea who the CEO and CFO were, or I barely saw them. At BRIGS, I am well aware of who is calling the shots.
What are you looking forward to this summer?
Going to Cape Cod for two weeks and staying at a house by a cove. I promise not to work the whole time I’m there.
What are some of your favorite places in Boston?
Faneuil Hall, the Public Garden, and the Boston Common. These places remind me of my first visits to the city and why I fell in love with it.
Do you have a book, movie, or TV show you are enjoying at the moment?
Way too many to name, but I’ll name the most popular shows I’m watching now. I’m enjoying the new Marvel and Star Wars shows, Better Call Saul, Ozark, Stranger Things, and The Boys.
Newburyport, Massachusetts
Tell us about your ideal weekend plan.
In the summer, our family has our favorite day trip locations: Ogunquit, Newburyport, and Castle Island to name a few. We like to spend Saturdays walking around, eating, and going to the beach. Then on Sundays we relax at home and watch TV or sports, and the kids play in the yard.
What’s a motto or mantra that you live by?
I have two:
1. “Never argue with an idiot. They drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.”
2. “Just take care of the little things, the big things will take care of themselves.”
Coffee or tea?
Black tea in the morning, and coffee in the afternoon. Both with milk and no sugar.
Ocean or lake?
Ocean if I want to feel connected to the world. Lake if I want peace and quiet.
Summer or fall?
Fall has the best weather in New England. It’s not too hot or too cold. The trees are all sorts of colors, and it’s beautiful to look outside your window. Also, the kids go back to school, and there are more sports on TV than there are in the summer.