Meet the Team: Michael Grover AMS, CMCA, Sr. Portfolio Manager

What is your role at BRIGS, and what do you do in that role?
I’m a Sr. Portfolio Manager and I manage several condominium and HOA properties for BRIGS. I work directly with the Trustees, homeowners, vendors, and various other people related to the operations of the condominium associations. I care for coordinating services, projects, and planning for the futures of each community.

What’s the most rewarding part of your job?
Working with various groups of talented individuals both within BRIGS, but also within the communities that we work with and helping them understand their finances and planning for the future.

What are you most looking forward to this Fall?
The foliage, I love driving around at this time of the year and seeing all of the color. The crisp air and comfortable weather make for a delight to be out in the field.

What are some of your favorite places in Boston?
Faneuil Hall has always been a favorite spot of mine, that whole area is great, plus it has the best cheesesteaks too. The aquarium is an amazing place as well.

Do you have a book, movie, or TV show you are enjoying at the moment?
My fiancé and I have been watching the current season of Hell’s Kitchen. Always fun to watch Gordon giving the chefs that think they are the best a dose of reality.

Tell us about your ideal weekend plan.
Someplace quiet, peaceful, and relaxing with good food and drinks with great friends or family.

What’s a motto or mantra that you live by?
“Success isn't always about 'greatness', it's about consistency. Consistent, hard work gains success.” – Dwayne Johnson

Coffee or tea?

3 favorite Thanksgiving sides in order of preference?
Mashed potatoes, rolls, and corn.

Favorite Thanksgiving dessert?
Anything will do really, but Fall themed cupcakes work wonders 😃

Apple cider or pumpkin spice?
Apple cider (Nothing basic about this guy 😉).


Meet the Team: Heather Zikmanis, Property Accountant


How to Prep Your Home for Winter