Meet the Team: Andy Mirsky, COO


Hi, friends.

It’s almost the end of another month (is that possibly… could it be… spring on the horizon?). It’s also time for the second installment of our Meet the Team series. Today, get to know Andy Mirsky, our COO. We shared a little bit here about how Andy became part of the BRIGS family. (Sometime, maybe we’ll convince Andy and Scott to share a photo from that fateful day they served groomsman duty together.) Now, learn more about the man who keeps our business running smoothly every day.

What reading material is on your bedside table?
I’m currently reading Lincoln, a biography about our 16th president, written by David Herbert Donald. It’s a heavy but very interesting read, and it delves into who he was as a person—his strengths, weaknesses and struggles. Before that, I read Life, by Keith Richards, which was a lot of fun. I had a lot of burst-out-loud laughing moments while reading that one.

A private plane is arriving in an hour to pick you up. Where do you want it to take you?
Depending on how long I would be gone, I wouldn’t mind some time away on a warm island to lie on the beach, read, relax and spend some quality time with my wife. I also would love to be picked up to go watch a soccer match or two in Liverpool, England, with our kids, and maybe even hit a few other games in Spain and Italy.    

What are you binge-watching right now?
I have only binge-watched The Mandalorian with my family. I cannot sit and watch too much television at once. A couple of exceptions are Bruins games and a really good movie on a Friday or Saturday night, relaxing on the couch after a good meal with my wife and, sometimes, our kids.    

If you weren't working in your current role and industry, what would you be doing instead?
In the past, I had ideas about wanting to be a veterinarian.  And I wish I had stuck with playing guitar and tried to make it as a musician. I still play, but I’m far from professional. I do know that when I retire someday, I’ll spend more of my time volunteering and helping those in need in one way or the other, along with playing more music and maybe picking up a golf club again.

What’s your favorite way to stay fit?
For the past 11-plus years, I’ve been doing CrossFit four to five times a week. If I can’t make it to the gym, I’ll go for a run or work in the yard (unless it’s winter). I’m up at 4:30 a.m. and working out by 5:30 a.m., so by the time I start work around 7:30 I’m energized and ready to go. It’s amazing how important physical activity is for your mental health, thought process and overall health. You notice the difference when you don’t do it. 

It's wet, cold and gray outside. What playlist keeps you going?
If I had to get going, I would need some seriously energetic songs: 

·         Tumbling Dice – Rolling Stones

·         Town Called Malice – The Jam

·         Revolution – The Beatles

·         Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out – Bruce Springsteen

·         (What’s so funny ‘Bout) Peace, Love And Understanding – Elvis Costello

·         I Want To Be Sedated – The Ramones

·         Let It Bleed – Rolling Stones

·         Havin’ A Party – Southside Johnny and the Asbury Jukes

·         Sir Duke – Stevie Wonder

·         Love the One You’re With – Crosby, Stills & Nash

·         Am I Grooving You – The First Barbarians

I could keep going, but I won’t.

What's a solid piece of advice you've received?
When I was probably a teenager, someone very close to me said, “Life is too important to be taken seriously” (borrowing from Oscar Wilde). Remembering that helps me keep things in perspective when it feels like everything is piling up. It reminds me what’s really important in life.     

Turns out, that private plane is dropping you on a desert island. You can take five things with you. What are they? 
My family, my guitars, a library, sunblock and a non-stop supply of cold beer. I’ll catch fish and eat coconuts so I don’t have to bring any food.

Until next time,
The BRIGS team


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