Meet Portfolio Manager—and Rising Star Award-winner—Rogeria Roberti

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Hi, friends. 

We’re back, and we have some pretty great news to share.

This spring, Rogeria Roberti, a portfolio manager here at Brigs, received a Rising Star Award from the New England Chapter of the Community Associations Institute (CAI-NE). If you don’t already know, the award is presented each year to a manager with fewer than three years of association management experience who, in the Institute’s words, “has displayed integrity, reliability and a commitment to the industry and to clients.” It’s a pretty big deal! (Especially in light of what a challenging year-plus it’s been.)

To say the least, we here at Brigs are proud of Rogeria, so we’re handing her the microphone this week. Here, get to know our rising star.  

How did receiving the Rising Star Award make you feel?
I was elated and surprised when I got the news. We do all we can to get the job done, and to have your work recognized with an award like this makes me feel appreciated and embraced.

What’s a typical day on the job like for you?
No two days are alike. I usually work as a contact line between the board and the community, protecting the interest of all parties and making sure we are all on the same page.

What’s the most challenging part of your job?
Juggling widely different personalities. 

What’s the most rewarding part of your job?
A smile and a thank you.

What places are on your summer-travel wish list?
The Maldives, the Mediterranean and Thailand. Hey, dream big, right?

It’s a beach day. What’s in your beach bag?
Dog treats and toys, an umbrella, a Bluetooth speaker and, sometimes, a few spiked seltzers.

What’s your favorite room in your home, and what do you love about it?
My backyard. I am fortunate to have a great and peaceful view that’s dominated by grass and includes vegetation and a river running by.

It’s been a long workday, but you still have to eat. What’s your go-to, easy weeknight dinner?
I just love cooking, so there’s no such thing as “not enough time for cooking.” But our basic staple at home is rice, beans, and beef.

What’s a great piece of advice you’ve never forgotten?
An old employer and friend once said, “Never forget your roots, be proud of what you are and have become, live your life with dignity and honesty. Always be humble, kind and positive. Never give up. Challenges were made to make you stronger, better.”

Any words of wisdom for the rest of us?
Always smile, be caring and have empathy. You’d be surprised by what can be accomplished by putting yourself in someone else’s shoes.

What are you currently binge-watching on TV?
I binge-watch the Brigs Outlook inbox! Just kidding. But seriously, we enjoy watching the news and Brazilian “novelas” at home.

If you weren’t working in your current role, what would you like to do instead?
Help the elderly and advocate for people with special needs. 

Please join us in congratulating Rogeria on her hard-earned award. 

Until next time, 
The Brigs team


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