Our Top Spring Cleaning Tips

Woman wiping kitchen counter

Hi, friends.

Happy Spring! As the days get longer and warmer, you’re probably cracking the windows for a little fresh air and seeing your home in a new light. If you’re suddenly noticing a winter’s worth of dust and clutter and getting the spring cleaning itch (or dread), we’re here to help. Get ready to tackle spring cleaning with minimal stress and welcome the new season.

Make a plan.
If you want to clean your entire home, it can feel overwhelming. Don’t just jump in and try to do it all in a day—avoid frustration and burnout by making a plan. Write down every room in the house in order of priority, and list the things that need to get done in each. This will help you mentally prepare and organize your time over the course of a few cleaning sessions. Check off each item as you go for a visual reminder of your progress. 

Prepare your cleaning toolkit.
The right supplies are a must—make sure you have everything you need handy before you’re elbow-deep in grime. You should have: rubber gloves; sponges and scrub brushes; your preferred all-purpose, glass, and bathroom cleaner; mop and broom; paper towels or cleaning rags.

Get in the groove.
Yes, cleaning is a chore—but mindset is key. We think it’s entirely possible to have a little fun while you work. Put together a playlist of music that makes you feel good, and channel that energy to power through your to-do list. Or queue up your favorite podcasts or an audiobook to keep your mind engaged while you scrub. 

But first, declutter.
Before you reach for the duster, think about decluttering your space. This will reveal dusty corners, open up your space, and make it feel easier to clean. Go through your cabinets and toss expired food, medicine, and cosmetics. Comb through the closets and donate forgotten clothes. Pull out the junk drawers and sort through piled up mail, paperwork, and magazines. Your space will feel so much cleaner before you even wet a sponge.

Start from the top.
This is a good cleaning rule in general: start from above and work your way down. Dust, crumbs, and dirt from higher up will make their way down to the floor, which you clean last. Start with moldings, windows, and ceiling fans. Move on to tables, counters, shelves and baseboards. Finish with a good sweep and mop.

Don’t forget the outside.
Give your outdoor space a little love, too. Shake out your doormats and clean your boot tray for a fresh-start entryway. Sweep the porch and walkway to get rid of leftover sand or last fall’s dead leaves. For a little color, add an outdoor flowering planter.

There’s no better way to ring in the springtime than with a fresh start at home. You can do this!

Until next time, 
The BRIGS Team


Yardless Gardening 101


Meet the Team: Scott Dugal, Property Manager