6 Ways to Be a Better Neighbor

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Hi, friends. 

Apartment and condo buildings are like microcosms of the world around us, with many different personalities, lifestyles and cultures coming together all under one roof. Being a good, courteous neighbor goes a long way in creating a harmonious, enjoyable environment. Here are six tips that’ll help make you the best neighbor you can be.   

Keep the noise down. 
This might be the No. 1 most neighborly act of all. Some of the most courteous ways to keep it down? Don’t shout to friends or neighbors at the other end of your apartment or condo’s hallways. If you prefer to chat on the phone—or in person—outside, be mindful of neighbors’ open windows; eavesdropping is only fun when you want to be doing it. Save any home-improvement or decorating projects that require hammering, sawing and drilling for daytime hours (better still, give your neighbors a heads up before getting started). And keep the volume on your TV and music plenty low so it doesn’t travel through the floor or walls. As a rule of thumb, remember this: If you find yourself wondering whether your neighbors can hear the noise you’re making, chances are, they can. Your best bet: Turn quiet-as-a-mouse mode on between the hours of 8 p.m. and 9 a.m. 

Pay attention to your pets. 
Sure, your precious Fifi-poo can do no wrong as far as you’re concerned, but your neighbors might not share that opinion. And besides, constant yapping and whining can annoy even the most devout dog lovers among us. If you’re home when she begins barking up a storm, grab her lead and head out for a nice, long walk. If she stays at home while you’re at the office, consider hiring a house sitter or dog walker who can take her out for some fresh air and exercise once or twice a day. And be sure to have bags on hand so you don’t leave any unsightly (not to mention smelly) presents behind on your apartment or condo building’s parking lot or lawn for someone else to look at or, worse, step in.

Resolve issues at the source whenever possible. 
Nobody likes a confrontation. But what lots of people dislike even more? Being tattled on before being given a chance to make things right. If your neighbors are consistently noisy, if you keep tripping over the sneakers they leave outside their door or you run into some other annoyance, try approaching them about it in a calm, courteous way. If they ignore your concern, or if tension arises, then it might be time to ask your building manager or condo board to step in. 

Be a rule follower. 
Living in an apartment or condo comes with a set of rules that were put in place to keep everyone in the community safe and happy. Take time to read those rules—that might mean reading or re-reading your lease, or asking your condo association for another copy—and follow them to a tee.  


Keep your space tidy.
What happens inside your apartment or condo is strictly your business (as long as you keep the noise down, that is). But when it comes to outside areas that are visible to your neighbors—think balconies, patios, windows, and doors—it’s important to keep those neat and clutter-free. You don’t want your place to be the only eyesore on your floor, and you definitely don’t want neighbors tripping over toys, shoes, pet accessories, bikes, or other objects.   

Say hi. 
This last tip might seem so obvious, but it’s becoming less and less common. Simply saying hello and introducing yourself to your next-door neighbor can help establish a sense of community, trust and safety. And you never know—you might just make a new friend in the process. 

Until next time,
The BRIGS team


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