6 Tips to Help Tackle Your Home Renovation


Hi, friends. 

Whether you’re giving that guest bedroom a much-needed refresh or gutting your kitchen and starting from scratch, a home renovation is a huge project with lots of moving parts. Summer is the most popular time of year for home remodels, so we’re sharing six tips that’ll set you up for a successful home renovation.  

Set a realistic budget—and stick to it. 
How much work gets done and how much you want to spend go hand in hand. Determine the amount you want to allot to your reno, and then confirm with your contractor that the materials and labor required to complete it will fit within your budget. You might even consider building in a little cushion in case any surprises (new electrical wiring you didn’t know you needed, a weakened support beam that needs to be replaced) come up once the work gets under way. 

Establish a scope of work.
Also crucial for keeping your reno on track (and your wallet intact): deciding what, exactly, will be redone. This might mean having to save some dream projects for later (next time, garage-turned-indoor-basketball-court) and prioritizing more practical projects, like, say, brightening up that dingy downstairs bathroom or knocking down a wall to open up your family dining space. 

Determine where you’ll splurge and where you want to save.
It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of a home reno. As the transformation takes shape, you might find yourself tempted to make concessions on certain items or design elements that you previously decided to save on, or to skip altogether. Decide from the get-go where you’re willing to spend big (think major appliances you know you’ll use daily), and where you’ll take a more wallet-friendly approach. 

Hire the right people. 
Doing some research up front will help you find the best contractor for the job, and hiring an experienced, reputable team can even save you time—and dollars—in the long run. Ask friends, colleagues and family to recommend contractors who’ve completed jobs to their satisfaction, and don’t be shy when it comes to asking questions about a contractor’s certifications, insurance, and financial history. This is your home we’re talking about, after all. 

Be prepared for ongoing interruptions.
For homeowners, few things are more exciting than a newly refreshed living space. But don’t forget—that’s the end result, and getting there is a process. Before you can kick back and enjoy your newly sunlit family room, you’ll have to weather some inconveniences, which can include everything from constant noise to an ever-present coating of dust to an entire room or space that’s temporarily off-limits.  

Expect hiccups—and don’t let them get you down.
John Lennon once said that “Life is what happens to you when you’re busy making other plans.” The late Beatle’s sentiment certainly applies to home renovations. Whether your contractor comes down with the flu, the hand-painted Portuguese tiles you picked out for your backsplash get lost in transit, or, say, a global supply-chain crisis means your dream flat-screen TV and surround-sound system aren’t in stock anywhere, being prepared for curveballs from the outset will help you navigate each new challenge with a more positive mindset. 

Have questions? Let us know!

Until next time,
The BRIGS team


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