How to Move Out Like a Pro

Hi, friends.

Moving is an exciting time, but we know it can be stressful, too. In our experience, it helps to have a plan and a to-do list to help you get through the days leading up to your move—and the day itself. Find some of our tried-and-true guidance below, and don’t sweat it.

Make a plan.
Prepare for the big day by making a plan and tying up any loose ends ahead of time. Moving day can feel hectic—anything you can handle in advance will make a difference.

  1. Decide whether you’ll hire movers or ask for help from friends. 

  2. Decide whether you’ll use a moving company with their own truck or rent a truck yourself. Make sure to book well in advance—moving periods can get competitive.

  3. Choose a day and time, factoring in when your new apartment will be ready for move-in. Don’t forget to consider traffic or other day-of delays.

  4. If you live in an area with limited parking, reserve a moving truck parking permit in front of your building. 

  5. Call your utility companies to let them know you’re moving and transfer your service.

  6. Change your mailing address and set up mail forwarding with the USPS. 

  7. Cancel any local memberships (like gyms), return any library books, and pick up any dry cleaning or prescriptions.

  8. If you painted your unit a different color, you’ll need to return it to the original color.

  9. Plan for how you’ll dispose of trash on moving day. Leaving behind trash off-schedule (or discarding items on the street that can’t be picked up) can result in fines. 

  10. Fill out the security deposit form from your landlord or property manager to ensure it gets to you.

  11. Pack in stages to relieve some of the last-minute stress. Box up things you don’t need every day (like books, seasonal clothes or decor). 

  12. Label your boxes by contents (linens, camping gear) or what room they belong in (kitchen, bathroom). Clearly label things that are fragile.

Get your move on.
After making your plans and packing your boxes, you’ll be ready for a smooth move-out process. The last, essential thing on the list is to thoroughly clean your unit so that it’s ready for the next tenants. Not only is it common courtesy, it will help ensure you get your security deposit back in full (assuming there are no damages). You can do some things the day before, while other tasks should be done once the apartment is empty—so make sure to budget that time on moving day. Here are some of BRIGS’ policies (our tenants will receive full, detailed instructions prior to move-out).

  1. Clean all of the kitchen appliances, including the areas between and behind them. 

  2. After cleaning out the fridge, place it on the low setting.

  3. Empty your cabinets and make sure they’re thoroughly cleaned and free from grease and dirt. Don’t forget to remove any shelf coverings.

  4. Thoroughly clean bathroom tiles, grout and fixtures.

  5. Clean the baseboards, sweep the floors and clean any rugs to remove dirt and stains. 

  6. Remove all personal items from closets and storage spaces—including coat hangers.

  7. Make sure to clean any marks or stains on the walls, switch plates, doors, or moldings.

  8. Clean the windows, window ledges and sills.

  9. Remove any picture hooks, hangers or nails from the walls.

  10. Take a last look around before you leave to make sure nothing has been left behind.

  11. Follow your property manager or landlord’s instructions for key return.

Moving day doesn’t have to be too stressful. Remember—make a plan and make a list and you’ll be in good shape. Good luck!

Until next time, 
The BRIGS Team


Meet the Team: Scott Dugal, Property Manager


Meet the Team: Dan Scarry, Director of Client Services