Meet the Team: Dan Scarry, Director of Client Services

Hi, friends.

Today we’re chatting with Dan Scarry, Director of Client Services here at BRIGS. In the day-to-day, he leads a team with the goal of assisting our clients on the front lines with professionalism and efficiency. Read on to get to know Dan a little better (including his thoughts on time travel).

Please tell us a bit about yourself! 
I was born in Cornwall, England, moved to Glendora, California, and did most of my growing up in Somerville, Massachusetts. I have worked for Target and IKEA primarily in customer service and after-sales management. I recently got married in December—we had been together for 13 years, and I couldn’t be happier.

What’s the most rewarding part of your job? 
I love the training process, so I would have to say the development of my team.

What’s your go-to dish when it’s your turn to cook? 
I love to BBQ, so anything you can think of for the grill.

What are you most looking forward to right now?
Just got a puppy, so I would say for her to be potty trained and sleep through the night.

What’s your favorite movie or TV show?
My favorite movie is Twister, and my favorite TV show would have to be The Office.

If time travel were possible, would you rather visit the past or the future? 
I would probably go into the past.  If Terminator teaches us anything, the future may not be so bright!

Are you more of an early bird or a night owl? 
I think I was always a night owl with retail hours, however I’ve become an early bird more recently.

What do you like to do for fun on your days off? 
Golfing, playing video games or just lounging watching TV with an IPA.

What was your first job?
I believe my first job was working maintenance with my dad in a foam-forming plant in Somerville. I was also a lifeguard around the same time.

Who inspires you?
My wife. Jessica’s patience and resolve during frustrating periods of my life or day really puts things in perspective for me and allows me to try and be the best version of myself.

Until next time,
The BRIGS Team


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