Meet the Team: Maria del Pilar Acosta, Executive Assistant

What is your role at BRIGS, and what does your day-to-day look like?
I’m the Executive Assistant to CEO Scott Wolf. Day-to-day, I help with his agenda, activities and anything Brigs-related.

What’s the most rewarding part of your job?
Helping and working with different people in different areas, learning more each day about Brigs management, and making clients feel comfortable and satisfying their needs.

What’s something you find challenging about your work?
Each day is different—there is always something new to learn or do. It keeps me on my toes!

Who inspires you?
My grandmother passed away nine months ago, but she was a very important person in my life. She was a young widow with four children and no career, and in a short time she studied and became a professional English teacher for years.

Do you have a book, movie, or TV show you are enjoying at the moment?
I’m a huge Harry Potter fan. Even though it has been more than 10 years since the movies came out, I still enjoy rewatching them…I always find something different.

What are some hobbies you enjoy?
I love sports and being outdoors. I have been waterskiing with my family since I was very little, and at the moment I’m enjoying indoor cycling. In February, I will run my first half marathon in my hometown.

Tell us about your ideal weekend plan.
Spending a day on the river waterskiing and  having a barbecue with family and friends.

What’s a motto or mantra that you live by?
“In a world where you can be anything, be KIND.”

Coffee or tea?
Any kind of coffee.

Favorite winter pastime?
There’s no snow where I currently live, but skiing is definitely on my wishlist.

Love cold weather or hate it?
Love it. Sadly, where I live we only have two or three months of cold weather.

Favorite comfort meal for chilly days?
Hot cocoa with a concha (Mexican sweet bread).


Essential Winter Maintenance for Property Managers
