Essential Winter Maintenance for Property Managers

Hi friends,

It’s January and winter is in full swing here in the Northeast. Though we’ve been lucky to avoid any major weather events so far (did we just jinx it?), it’s never a bad idea to be prepared for the inevitable snow and ice this season brings. We asked Scott Wolf, BRIGS CEO for essential winter maintenance tips that every property manager should know about. 

Turn up the heat. 
Or at least, don’t turn it off when you go away. The money you might save is never worth the possibility of frozen pipes. Keep your heat set to around 65-68 degrees at all times to keep your pipes in working order. You will save yourself from costly repairs AND maintain your peace of mind.

Change your filters. 
Regularly changing the filter on your heating unit will keep it working proficiently and ensure good airflow throughout your home. Dusty, dirty filters can cause overheating and premature wear and tear on the parts. Professionals recommend switching out your heating unit filters every 90 days. 

Remove window A/C units. 
This is one of the easiest and most important winter maintenance best practices. As soon as the temperatures start to drop, take any window units down and store them for the season. Leaving them up can cause drafts and force your heating units to work overtime. 

hand opening kitchen cabinet

Open your cabinets on cold nights. 
Another tip for preventing frozen pipes? Keep your sink cabinet doors open on especially frigid winter nights. This will allow warm air to circulate around the pipes.

Vacuum your baseboards. 
It’s easy to forget, but be sure to keep your baseboards dirt- and dust-free throughout the winter. This will keep your heat flowing smoothly and efficiently throughout your home.

Until next time,
The BRIGS Team


Meet the Team: Roger Cummings, Senior Property Manager


Meet the Team: Maria del Pilar Acosta, Executive Assistant