Meet the Team: Roger Cummings, Senior Property Manager

What is your role at BRIGS, and what does your day-to-day look like?
I manage multiple properties in the southern part of Massachusetts and northern Rhode Island. My typical day usually starts off with an hour or two of computer work, such as paying bills, fulfilling work orders, and replying to emails from residents and board members. Once that is done, I visit at least one property per day, per week to check on any abnormalities or property issues.

What’s the most rewarding part of your job?
I love being able to solve unit owner issues that they believed were major concerns—and doing so without added stress to the homeowner.

What’s something you find challenging about your work? 
Every day there is a new issue that we are faced with, and I love the challenge of resolving whatever may arise.

What are some hobbies you enjoy?
Golf, softball, camping, skiing, and bike riding!

Who inspires you?
My wife.

Do you have a book, movie, or TV show you are enjoying at the moment?  
I enjoy the TV dramas Blue Bloods and Chicago Fire.

Red convertible drives down empty highway.

Tell us about your ideal weekend plan. 
I love to take a ride in my convertible on a nice day, with temperatures in the 80s. I also like to find nice restaurants and to explore New England!

What’s a motto or mantra that you live by?
Honesty is the best policy.  

Coffee or tea? 

Favorite winter pastime? 
If I’m not skiing, I love sitting in front of a fire with my wife and watching a good movie.

Love cold weather or hate it? 
I love it! The air is clean, and not as many people are out.

Favorite comfort meal for chilly days? 
A nice bowl of homemade chicken noodle soup.


One-Day Home Improvements for President’s Day


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