Meet the Team: Scott Wolf, CEO


Hi, friends. 

How is January almost over? (Also, how’s the organizing going by now?) 

BRIGS may be a property management company, but we’re a family first. (That includes you.) And we want you to get to know us. So, we’re rolling out a new Meet the Team series to help you do just that. 

First up: our CEO, Scott Wolf. You’ve already learned about Scott’s path to becoming the boss at BRIGS (if you haven’t, head right this way). Here, we’re sharing a Q&A so you can get a little more acquainted:  

You've run 17 marathons. Which was your favorite?   
Walt Disney World Marathon’s Dopey Challenge. Over four consecutive days, you run a 5K, a 10K, a half-marathon and a full marathon, for a total of 48.6 miles. You run through all the parks, meeting and taking pictures with characters along the way. It’s crazy, but so much fun.  

The most special?  
The Boston Marathon the year after the bombing. It was an incredibly emotional run. I had already run the marathon a couple of times and said I would never do it again—I don’t like training in the winter, so Boston in April is not my thing. Soon after the bombing, though, my mind was made up: I would do it one more time. The support and energy during that race was like no other.

The toughest?  
The Cape Cod Marathon is the hilliest I have ever done. 

What’s your personal best marathon time?  
Ironically, it was at Cape Cod. I ran it in 3:39. I’ve never been fast, just consistent. My goal was always to break four hours.

What lessons from your marathon training keep you motivated off the course?   
Marathoning has shown me that, if you set your mind to something, you can accomplish it. Stay focused and put in the hard work. Nothing comes easy. You have to work for things. 

If you weren't working in your current role, what would you be doing?   
Something that allows me to be outdoors more. But I also always wanted to be a defense attorney; I find the law fascinating. I’ve done some development in the past. If I had the time, I think I would enjoy being a developer or builder of new properties. 

Who are a few people you really admire? 
Many business mentors have helped me over time. They know who they are. I’m better for having received their advice and friendship. 

It's your night to cook. What's on the menu?   
This isn’t an easy one! I love to cook. My favorite holiday is Thanksgiving, and I’ll do it all, with the exception of dessert. Everything is pretty much from scratch.  

What books are on your bedside table? 
A variety of business books. Other recent reads include The Last Traverse: Tragedy and Resilience in the Winter Whites, by Ty Gagne, and The Devil in the White City, by Erik Larson. I also enjoy A.J. Sidranksy’s writing, and I think Dennis Lehane, who I worked with at The Ritz-Carlton, Boston a lifetime ago, is a genius. I’ve read everything he’s written.   

What quote keeps you going? 
Thomas Friedman said, “Every morning in Africa, a gazelle wakes up. It knows it must run faster than the fastest lion, or it will be killed. Every morning a lion wakes up. It knows it must outrun the slowest gazelle, or it will starve to death. It doesn't matter whether you are a lion or a gazelle. When the sun comes up, you better start running.” 

Cats or dogs?
I’ve had dogs since I was in college. Big dogs that can hike and be active. I currently have two Bernedoodles, Daisy and Lily.  


Until next time, 
The BRIGS team


How to Set Up a Zoom-Ready Living Space


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