Spring Cleaning 101
Hi friends,
Happy first day of spring! While we had a relatively mild winter here in Boston, there’s still something refreshing about balmier days, more daylight, birds chirping, and flowers starting to grow. It’s also the perfect time to do some spring cleaning and spruce up your space for a new season.
We compiled some tips for you to get started:
Do some deep cleaning
Complete the most arduous task first–deep cleaning! Now’s the time to tackle everywhere from underneath the beds to the very back of your closets. Don’t forget the cabinets, fridge, pantry, and garage while you’re at it.
We recommend taking all your items out first, ditching or donating what you don’t use anymore, and then scrubbing any surfaces and vacuuming the floors. The end result will be so sparkling, it will be worth the extra effort!
Organize, organize, organize!
Once you’ve deep cleaned, a natural next step is to organize as you put everything back. Consider which items you use the most, and make those easily accessible. Items you don’t use on an everyday basis might be best off in the hard-to-reach corners or higher shelves of your storage spaces.
Wipe down your windows
Let in the beautiful spring sunshine by cleaning your windows’ exterior and interior glass. Fresh, sparkling windows will breathe new life into your space. Plus, don’t forget to wipe down and dust the sills and window treatments, too.
Vacuum soft furniture
After a winter spent inside, now’s a great time to vacuum your couches and chairs. Remove the cushions, vacuum underneath, and then do a pass on each side of the cushions, too. This will remove any dust, debris, or crumbs of food that may have fallen into the cracks over the last few months.
Add fresh flowers or plants.
The last step? Bring spring inside with flowers or a new plant from your local garden center. The burst of color and greenery will infuse your space with the fresh, rejuvenating energy of a new season.
Until next time,
The BRIGS Team